Monday, September 26, 2016

Wix heat command exited with code 319 (-out parameter must specify a file path)

  • The '-out' or '-o' parameter must specify a file path. File: heat.exe
  • The command " "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin\heat.exe" project "..\Web \" -gg -g1 -cg PACKAGEFILES sreg -dr DEPLOYFOLDER -out "C:\Users(...)\Server\Wix\Frags.wxs" " exited with code 319. File: C:\Users(...)\Server\Wix\Wix.wixproj

This was really not a lot of information for me to use.
What I fount out, is that Wix is throwing this error on anything. I will explain.

So this was my code:

"$(WIX)bin\heat.exe" dir "$(vm4heat)" -cg vm4heat -gg -scom -sreg -sfrag -srd -out "$(ProjectDir)\FilesFragment.wxs"

And as you can see, I have 3 different paths in my code.
The error message says that the issue is on the "out".
Well, the actual error was on the "dir".

So in case you ever get this error, don't look for wrong doing in the "out" parameter only. Check EVERY path, one by one. In my case it was an extra backslash at the end of the "dir" parameter.

Hope this helps.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Excel shortcuts

F2 : Edit selected cell

F4 : Repeat last edit

F9 : Calculates all worksheets

F11 : New chart

ALT : Access the ribbon for formulas

ALT + = : Automatically SUM() selected

ALT + Enter : Start a new line in the same cell

ALT + o-c-a : Auto size columns

PG + UP/PG+DOWN : Go to next/previous worksheet

CTRL + ` : Display Formulas

CTRL + Backspace : Show active cell

CTRL + Shift + # : Change Date format with day, month and year.

CTRL + K : To insert Hyperlink.

CTRL+ Shift + $ : Applies the currency format to the selected cells.

CTRL + Shift + & : Applies border to cells

CTRL + B : Bold

CTRL + I : Italics

CTRL + U : Underline

CTRL + Shift + ~ : General style number

CTRL + Shift + $ : Currency style number

CTRL + Shift + % : Percentage style Number

CTRL + Shift + ^  : Scientific notation style

CTRL + Shift + # :  Date style

CTRL + Shift + @ : Time Style

CTRL + Shift +! : Number Style

CTRL + F12 : Open

CTRL + Spacebar : Select the entire column

CTRL + [ : Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection

CTRL + A : Select All

CTRL + Shift + J : List Constants

CTRL + D : Copy equation down

CTRL + F : Find

CTRL + H : Find&Replace

CTRL + Right arrow : Move right

CTRL + Left arrow : Move left

CTRL + Up arrow : Move up

CTRL + Down arrow : Move down

CTRL + Enter : Same data in multiple cells

Shift + Spacebar : Select the entire row

Shift + F3 : Find Previous

Friday, February 19, 2016